Veronique Filippi

London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine

Dr. Veronique Filippi is a reader in Maternal Health and Epidemiology. She studied political sciences, demography and epidemiology and works in multidisciplinary teams. Her research interests include: developing methods for measuring reproductive and maternal morbidity in low income countries; documenting the long term health, social and economic consequences of obstetric complications; understanding how women manage their productive and reproductive needs after childbirth; learning from near-miss complications; improving quality of obstetric care through audit and maternal death reviews; improving respectful care and birth and postnatal preparedness. She conducts most of her research in African countries where she is  also involved in large evaluation projects of interventions designed to reduce maternal mortality (EVA-PMDUP, FEMHEALTH).  She is a member of the STEPUP Research Programme Consortium on "Meeting reproductive health needs for the Millenium."



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