DCP - EMRO Hosts Fourth Policy Forum: Child & Adolescent Development
On Friday, May 20 in Geneva, Switzerland, DCP3 and the WHO-Eastern Mediterranean Regional office hosted a policy forum on child and adolescent health and development, which brought together policymakers and experts to share insights and perspectives in order to enhance the relevance and usability of the DCP3 volume on Child and Adolescent Development (volume 8). This forum was the fourth in a series held in collaboration with WHO-EMRO on selected priority health topics.
Representatives from 11 countries joined DCP3 editors and authors to contribute their insights and learned experiences to the formulation of final conclusions for the DCP3 child and adolescent development volume. Policy makers shared their views on the feasibility and relevance of the recommended essential packages of cost-effective interventions. Volume editor Dr. George Patton and chapter author Dr. Susan Sawyer also presented key findings from The Lancet Commission on Adolescent Health and Wellbeing, published on May 11.