DCP Co-Hosts Capacity Building Workshop with WHO-EMRO
Disease Control Priorities (DCP) and the WHO Regional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean (WHO-EMRO) jointly convened an economic evaluation capacity building workshop December 14-18, 2014 at the WHO-EMRO office in Cairo, Egypt.
In February 2013, a workshop was jointly organized by WHO-EMRO and University of Washington's Department of Global Health to develop the skills of a pool of experienced researchers from EMR to be able to conduct modelled health economic evaluations with application to NCDs-related interventions. This second workshop planned to build further research capacities in the area of health economic evaluation and engage with the previously trained researchers to advance their ongoing studies. The workshop focused on sharing up-to-date developments in economic evaluation techniques and regional and international country applications. The workshop also discussed a plan of action to assist individual member states in adopting and implementing economic evaluation techniques. The workshop was conducted by DCP staff members Rachel Nugent, Carol Levin, Stephane Verguet, and Elizabeth Brouwer.
WHO-EMRO Health Economist Awad Mataria played an integral role in co-organizing the workshop, gathering some of the region's top health policy stakeholders. He also presented on research policy and development, universal health coverage and financing, and provided an overview of cost-effectiveness analysis concepts. Melanie Bertram, DCP3 author and WHO Technical Officer, presented WHO-CHOICE, which is a series of tools developed by WHO to undertake cost-effectiveness analysis for priority setting.
The workshop was conducted in two well-integrated parts: an advanced course on Cost-Effectiveness Analysis methods with application to NCD topics, and an introduction to the purpose and methods of Extended Cost-Effectiveness Analysis (ECEA). The Workshop is jointly organized by the “Health Economics and Financing” unit of the Department of Health System Development and the “Noncommunicable Diseases” unit of the Department of Noncommunicable Diseases and Mental Health at WHO-EMRO, in collaboration with the DCP team. Read more