Resources for Authors

We encourage DCP3 editors, authors, and other contributors to utilize the below resources in upcoming presentations, events, or conferences.  These reources include PowerPoint slides, press releases, Lancet overview articles, and more.  We also encourage you to pursue opportunities to promote your involvement in DCP3, which may include social media (Twitter: @dcpthree), blog posts, op-eds, or presentations.  We ask that you keep us informed when you use DCP3 findings in your work by contacting us at


Costs, Affordability, and Feasibility of an Essential Package of Cancer Control Interventions in Low-Income and Middle-Income Countries: Key Messages from Disease Control Priorities, 3rd Edition
Lead Author: Hellen Gelband
1AAd, LancetLL
QR Code Postcards for Distribution - Cancer
PRESS RELEASE: DCP3 Releases Latest Volume: Cancer


PRESS RELEASE: DCP3 Presents Key Findings from Reproductive, Maternal, Newborn and Child Health Volume
DCP3 RMNCH Volume Powerpoint Template
QR Code Postcards for Distribution - RMNCH
Reproductive, Maternal, Newborn, and Child Health: Key Messages from Disease Control Priorities, 3rd Edition
Lead Author: Robert Black
1AAd, LancetLL

Mental Health

Addressing the Burden of Mental, Neurological and Substance Use Disorders: Key Messages from Disease Control Priorities, 3rd Edition
Lead Author: Vikram Patel
1AAd, LancetLL
QR Code Postcards for Distribution - Mental, Neurological, and Substance Use Disorders
PRESS RELEASE: Disease Control Priorities, 3rd Edition Releases Fourth Volume: Mental, Neurological, and Substance Use Disorders
