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DCP2 - Chapters
Front Matter
- Investing in Health
- Intervention Cost–Effectiveness: Overview of Main Messages
- Strengthening Health Systems
- Priorities for Global Research and Development of Interventions
- Science and Technology for Disease Control: Past, Present, and Future
- Product Development Priorities
- Economic Approaches to Valuing Global Health Research
- Improving the Health of Populations: Lessons of Experience
- Millennium Development Goals for Health: What Will It Take to Accelerate Progress?
- Gender Differentials in Health
- Fiscal Policies for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention
- Financing Health Systems in the 21st Century
- Recent Trends and Innovations in Development Assistance for Health
- Ethical Issues in Resource Allocation, Research, and New Product Development
- Cost–Effectiveness Analysis for Priority Setting
- Tuberculosis
- Sexually Transmitted Infections
- HIV/AIDS Prevention and Treatment
- Diarrheal Diseases
- Vaccine–Preventable Diseases
- Conquering Malaria
- Tropical Diseases Targeted for Elimination: Chagas Disease, Lymphatic Filariasis, Onchocerciasis, and Leprosy
- Tropical Diseases Lacking Adequate Control Measures: Dengue, Leishmaniasis, and African Trypanosomiasis
- Helminth Infections: Soil–Transmitted Helminth Infections and Schistosomiasis
- Acute Respiratory Infections in Children
- Maternal and Perinatal Conditions
- Newborn Survival
- Stunting, Wasting, and Micronutrient Deficiency Disorders
- Health Service Interventions for Cancer Control in Developing Countries
- Diabetes: The Pandemic and Potential Solutions
- Mental Disorders
- Neurological Disorders
- Cardiovascular Disease
- Inherited Disorders of Hemoglobin
- Respiratory Diseases of Adults
- Diseases of the Kidney and the Urinary System
- Skin Diseases
- Oral and Craniofacial Diseases and Disorders
- Unintentional Injuries
- Interpersonal Violence
- Water Supply, Sanitation, and Hygiene Promotion
- Indoor Air Pollution
- Air and Water Pollution: Burden and Strategies for Control
- Prevention of Chronic Disease by Means of Diet and Lifestyle Changes
- The Growing Burden of Risk from High Blood Pressure, Cholesterol, and Bodyweight
- Tobacco Addiction
- Alcohol
- Illicit Opiate Abuse
- Learning and Developmental Disabilities
- Loss of Vision and Hearing
- Cost–Effectiveness of Interventions for Musculoskeletal Conditions
- Pain Control for People with Cancer and AIDS
- Public Health Surveillance: A Tool for Targeting and Monitoring Intervention
- Information to Improve Decision Making for Health
- Drug Resistance
- Community Health and Nutrition Programs
- Contraception
- School–Based Health and Nutrition Programs
- Adolescent Health Programs
- Occupational Health
- Natural Disaster Mitigation and Relief
- Control and Eradication
- Integrated Management of the Sick Child
- General Primary Care
- The District Hospital
- Referral Hospitals
- Surgery
- Emergency Medical Services
- Complementary and Alternative Medicine
- Improving the Quality of Care in Developing Countries
- Health Workers: Building and Motivating the Workforce
- Ensuring Supplies of Appropriate Drugs and Vaccines
- Strategic Management of Clinical Services