Arindam Nandi
Tata Centre for Development, University of Chicago
Tata Centre for Development, University of Chicago
Arindam Nandi is Associate Director of Research at the Tata Centre for Development at the Harris School of Public Policy, University of Chicago. He was previously a fellow at the Center for Disease Dynamics, Economics and Policy (CDDEP), having joined as a post-doctoral scholar in 2010. His primary research interests are development economics, applied microeconomics and health economics. His recent work has focused on the economics of gender in India, including sex-selective abortions, child health and education, and the impact of public policy. At CDDEP, he is currently involved in evaluating the economic benefits of various health interventions and policies in India and other developing countries, under the Disease Control Priorities 3 project. His research also involves estimating the long term effects of early childhood shocks and interventions on cognitive, educational, and labor market outcomes in developing country settings.
In the past, he has worked with the World Bank on poverty reduction and economic management in India, and with the newly founded University of California Global Health Institute. Arindam received his Ph.D. in Economics from University of California, Riverside.