London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine
Brian Greenwood qualified in medicine at the University of Cambridge. He then spent 13 years at universities in Nigeria followed by 16 years in The Gambia where he directed the UK Medical Research Council Laboratories. Since 1996, he has been based at LSHTM where he co-ordinated the Gates Malaria Partnership, a programme of research and capacity development in many countries in Africa. In 2008, he became the co-ordinator of a new malaria capacity development initiative supported by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the Wellcome Trust, the Malaria Capacity Development Consortium (MCDC), which supports PhD and post-graduate training in malaria in five countries in sub-Saharan Africa. He also co-ordinates the African Meningococcal Carriage Consortium (MenAfriCar), supported by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the Wellcome Trust, which is studying meningococcal carriage in Africa before and after introduction of a new meningococcal conjugate vaccine.