David Mabey

London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, London UK

Dr. David Mabey is a physician specialising in Infectious and Tropical Diseases. After training in the UK, he went to work at the Medical Research Council unit in The Gambia, West Africa in 1978 where he was in charge of clinical services from 1982-1986. Dr. Mabey became a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Clinical Sciences at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM) in 1986 and was made Professor of Communicable Diseases in 1994. He is an Honorary Consultant Physician at the Hospital for Tropical Diseases in London. He was head of the Clinical Research Unit in the School from 1995-2002, and has been Director of the Wellcome Trust Bloomsbury Centre for Clinical Tropical Medicine/Global Health Research since 1995. He is a member of the Scientific and Technical Advisory Group of the WHO Department of Reproductive Healh and Research and was Director of the WHO Collaborating Centre for the Prevention and Control of Sexually Transmitted Infections. He has been Chair of the Field Trials Committee of the STD Diagnostics Initiative at WHO/TDR since 2001. Dr. Mabey is also a member of the WHO Global Alliance for the elimination of trachoma and has sat on the Trachoma Expert Committee of the International Trachoma Initiative. 

Dr. Mabey's research focuses on trachoma and sexually transmitted infections. He also runs a laboratory at LSHTM where he has worked on the pathogenesis of and immune response to C. trachomatis infection. He is particularly interested in the link between HIV infection and other STIs. Since 2012, Dr. Mabey has been doing research on yaws in Papua New Guinea, Ghana, and the Solomon Islands in support of the new WHO eradication program.


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