Costing Universal Health Coverage: The DCP3 Model

Authors: David Watkins, Jinyuan Qi, Susan Horton


A central question for countries moving towards universal health coverage (UHC) is which health interventions should be publicly financed.1Highly resource-constrained low-income (LI) and lower middle-income (LMI) countries in particular currently have low coverage levels of health services and thus will probably require large incremental investments in order to achieve UHC. Disease Control Priorities, Third Edition (DCP3) has proposed a concrete notion of UHC that is based on a focused set of health interventions that provide very good value for money, address a significant disease burden, and are feasible to implement in LI and LMI countries. 






Watkins, D.A., J. Qi, and S.E. Horton. 2017. "Costing Universal Health Coverage: The DCP3 Model." DCP3 Working Paper Series. Workind Paper #20.