

DCPN is working with colleagues from the University of Bergen (Norway) and Addis Ababa University to create demand-driven research products to inform the Ethiopian Ministry of Health and Social Welfare.

Meet the Researchers

University of Bergen, Dept. of Global Public Health and Primary Care
Office of Minister of Health, Ethiopia
Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health
University of Bergen

The DCP team worked intensively in Ethiopia to apply DCP3 methods, as relevant, to inform local health priority setting, with the goal of producing an Ethiopia-DCP. This work was done in collaboration with Addis Ababa University and the Priorities 2020 Group at the University of Bergen. This collaboration began with a focus on mapping stakeholders and opportunities in-country, which led to the enactment of a signed Memorandum of Understanding with the Federal Ministry of Health (FMOH) in February 2015, which focused on two types of activities:


  1. Building country capacity in health economics and economic evaluations, with the goal of supporting the establishment of a health economics unit within the FMOH; and
  2. Establishing a process to support health policy priority setting in Ethiopia, including assessing the cost-effectiveness of selected health interventions, packages, and delivery platforms.
As part of our effort to provide timely, relevant information for national priority setting, we supported local researchers to create two policy documents for policymakers including FMOH leaders in Ethiopia, with the intent to publish these in the Bulletin of the Federal Ministry of Health. To build local capacity in health economic evaluation, we have also supported Ethiopian researchers in the development of several journal articles for publication, and the FMOH invited us to review and advise on Ethiopia’s national cancer strategy and plan.

News and Events

On March 7th and 8th, 2016, representatives from the DCP3 Child and Adolescent Health and Development volume convened for the Africa Region Roundtable, hosted by the African Union in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, to validate the three essential packages drafted for inclusion in the volume.
On July 13-15, DCP3’s Drs. Rachel Nugent, Carol Levin, Stephane Verguet, and David Watkins led sessions and give presentations on economic evaluation for health, including recent findings using the DCP3 extended-cost-effectiveness analysis (ECEA) method, at the 11th World Congress of the...
Despite a high burden of surgical disease, access to surgical services in low- and middle-income countries is often limited. In line with the World Health Organization’s current focus on universal health coverage and equitable access to care, we examined how policies to expand access to surgery in...