DCP3 Extended Cost-Effectiveness Workshop

The DCP3 core economic anaylsis team gathered outside of Seattle for a two-day retreat to discuss preliminary results of extended cost-effectiveness analyses (ECEA) for DCP3 volumes.  Topics of discussion included methods inhancement, the overall economic work program - including scope and timing of new analytics - and standardization of language across all ECEAs.

Click here to review the full meeting agenda.


1. Public Finance of Pneumococcal Vaccine and Pneumonia Treatment in Ethiopia (Kjell Arne Johansson)

2. Diarrhea and Rotavirus ECEAs for Ethiopia (Stephane Verguet)

3. Surgical Care in Ethiopia (Mark Shrime)





Dr. Mark Shrime discusses the economics of the essential surgery volume.

  DCP3 editors and contributors review preliminary ECEA results



Health economist Stephane Verguet addresses the group on measures of financial risk protection.                                      


Thursday, June 20, 2013 to Saturday, June 22, 2013