DCP3 Project Director Rachel Nugent is faculty co-chair of the Washington Global Health Alliance Discovery Series; a collaboration between University of Washington's Department of Global Health and the Washington Global Health Alliance. The series brings prominent global health scientists to Seattle to spark discussion within the university and community about important topics in the global health field.
WGHA hosted Dr. Ana Langer on November 7 for a lecture on "Maternal Health: Achievements so Far and Challenges Ahead." Dr. Langer is a Professor of the Practice of Public Health at the Harvard School of Public Health. She also serves as the Coordinator of the Dean's special initiative in women and health. This lecture was held in conjunction with the PERLA/Global WACh symposium.
Dr. Langer has conducted and published extensively on maternal mortality; psychosocial support during pregnancy, labor, delivery and the post-partum period; quality of maternal health care, unsafe abortion, emergency contraception; the introduction of evidence-based practices in maternal health services; and strategies to reinforce the reproductive health component in health sector reform programs in developing countries.
Visit the discovery series website to learn more about upcoming lectures and to join the global health list serv.
Click here for a PDF version of the invitation.