PHEnOM Seminar Led by DCP3's Carol Levin

The PHEnOM (Program in Health Economics and Outcomes Methodology), at the Department of Health Services at the University of Washington held a seminar led by Dr. Carol Levin, a Senior Health Economist for DCP3.  The seminar topic was "A New Global Investment Framework for Women's and Children's Health."


Thursday, February 6, 2014

3:00 - 4:30 pm

UW Tower

4333 Brooklyn  Ave NE, 22nd foor boardroom

Seattle, WA 98105


PHEnOM hosts a weekly seminar 1.45 hour series during the academic year. All students, faculty and other researchers interested in this area will be encouraged to attend the seminar series.  For more information, or to present at the PHEnOM seminar series, contact Nathan Tefft at  Click here for the Winter 2014 seminar schedule.