The international Health Economics Association (iHEA) hosted its 9th annual World Congress on Health Economics. The 2013 conference theme was "Celebrating Health Economics", and was an opportuntity for attendees to hear about new work in health economics. The congress was held in Sydney, Australia July 7-10, 2013.
DCP3 Project Director Rachel Nugent presented on the extended cost-effectiveness analysis (ECEA) for salt reduction in South Africa. The presentation described how the ECEA method was applied to estimate the effects of daily salt reduction for 1 million South Africans.
DCP3 health economist Stephane Verguet presented on universal public finance of rotavirus immunization in India and Ethiopia. Verguet's presentation was part of a larger session titled "The broader economic impact of vaccination in low and middle-income countries: Fiscal space related issues" held on Wednesday July 10, 2013.