On September 23-24, 2015, the WHO Working Group for the Global Coordination Mechanism on the Prevention of Noncommunicable Disease (GCM/NCD) met for its 3rd meeting in Geneva, Switzerland. DCP3 Project Director and editor Dr. Rachel Nugent and DCP3 ressearch assistant Jennifer Grasso participated in the meeting to discuss their prelimary findings.
The purpose of this meeting was to allow the Working Group to have an in-dept discussion to finalize the recommendations it will present to the WHO Director-General regarding ways and means of encouraging Member States to provide financing for NCDs. These recommendations are intended to steer Member States to realize the commitments made by Heads of State and Government at the 2011 UN General Assembly High-Level Meeting on the call to the private sector to increase its contribution to the prevention and control of NCDs, as well as to explore the provision of resources.
The membership of the Working Groups is drawn from a WHO roster of experts of potential members of the Working Groups, nominated by Member States and appointed by the WHO Director-General.
DCP3's Rachel Nugent discusses how development assistance for help can fill the gaps in NCD financing.
The WHO Working Group gathers at the conclusion of the meeting for a group photo. |