Impact of Interventions During the Life Course (5-19 Years)

The section will present evidence of opportunities for intervention in the areas of linear and cognitive growth in different age groups (preschool, school age and adolescence). The focus will be on presenting the evidence of opportunities for intervention at different points during development, including any evidence of costs, return on investment and implications for trade-offs. Each chapter will have a Coordinating Author responsible for pulling together the content of three subchapters on each of three age-groups. The discussions in Part 2 will serve as a conceptual framework for the volume. 


6. Conceptual framework on interventions during the life course (Lead author: Don Bundy)

7. Evidence from interventions at early childhood (Lead author: Harold Alderman)

8. Evidence from interventions at school age (Lead author: Kristie Watkins)

9. Evidence from interventions at adolescence (Lead author: Russell Viner)

10. Evidence of brain development and interventions (Lead author: Elena Grigorenko)