Publication of Global Nutrition Report, DCP3 Economists Author Chapter on Food Systems
DCP3 Project Director Dr. Rachel Nugent and Senior Health Economist Dr. Carol Levin co-authored a chapter in the 2015 Global Nutrition Report, now available online. The chapter, "Indicators for Nutrition-Friendly and Sustainable Food Systems", proposes a typology of different food systems, and offers countries a means to monitor the health and environmental impacts of their food system. Some of the key findings include:
The rise of obesity and nutrition-related non-communicable diseases in the context of persistent undernutrition places a greater emphasis than ever on the centrality of food systems as a driver of nutrition outcomes.
Food system indicators can be used to characterize country food systems into types.
Developing outcome indicators for food systems can help guide policymakers toward better decisions for nutrition-friendly and sustainable food systems while also helping citizens hold their governments accountable for their policy choices. Here we propose a dashboard of 10 indicators as an example.
Missing and poor data present a significant challenge to accountability of food systems for nutrition and sustainability.
Decisions about improving food systems depend not only on technical considerations, but also on the political economy of food systems.
A synopsis of the full report can be found here.
In conjunction with the report's release, Dr. Nugent published a blog post for the World Cancer Research Fund International blog. In the blog, she refers to her experience writing the Global Nutrition Report chapter, and whether food systems are supplying food sustainably. Read the full blog post here.