The final installment in the DCP3 collaboration with This Week in Global Health (TWiGH) is now available. TWiGH is a weekly global health video and podcast series that brings together experts from around the world to provide snapshots of the latest happenings in the global health community.
For its last installment, DCP3 volume editor, Dr. Donald Bundy and chapter authors Elisabetta Aurino and Meena Fernandes - along with This Week in Global Health's Dr. Jessica Taaffe - discussed the main themes of the DCP3 volume on Child and Adolescent Health and Development.
The panelists highlighted the synergies that exist between the health and education sectors, specifically when looking at the 5-19 age range. While recognizing the tremendous progress that has been made in under-5 mortality in the era of the Millennium Development Goals, the discussants also emphasized that the next 7,000 days of life (up to age 20) are also extremely critical. For more on this discussion, see the video resources below.
Video formats:
- Full length video (35 minutes)
- Audio podcast version
- Short topical videos (approx. 3 minutes each)