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“The lesson that emerges from the well-aimed empirical analyses presented in this volume is not only that a major difference can be made in the incidence, management, and elimination of cancer, even in the poorer countries of the world, but that this can be done in cost-effective and affordable ways. Understanding and determination are the deficiencies most in need of change.”
News and Events
On February 16-17, 2018, several DCP3 contributors convened at the American University of Beirut to participate in “The Economics of Non-Communicable Diseases in Lower- and Middle-Income Countries” conference. This two-day event showcased findings from the forthcoming Lancet Series on Non-...
DCP3 Volume 3 lead editor Hellen Gelband and chapter author Dr. Sumit Gupta - along with This Week in Global Health's Jessica Taaffe - participated in the latest episode of TWiGH to discuss cancer. The panel focused on the importance of timely and accurate diagnosis, improved and effective...
DCP3 series editor, Dr. Rachel Nugent, gave a lecture on Monday, July 24 2017 as part of the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center and University of Washington Cancer Consortium Global Oncology Lecture Series. Dr. Nugent's lecture was titled "Donor Priority for Global Cancer Control: A Funding...
To Obtain Copies of the Cancer volume:
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Volume citation: Gelband, H., P. Jha, R. Sankaranarayanan, and S. Horton, eds. 2015. Disease Control Priorities, third edition. Volume 3, Cancer. Washington, DC: World Bank.
Lancet Article on Cancer
Published online 11 November, 2015
Investments in cancer control—prevention, detection, diagnosis, surgery, other treatment, and palliative care—are increasingly needed in low-income and particularly in middle-income countries...
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