Injury Prevention and Environmental Health

"This volume of Disease Control Priorities, provides an excellent evidence-based guide to policy makers on the approaches and rational choice of interventions to address this challenge. Many of the interventions included in the volume are among the most cost-effective interventions in public health and can make a substantial impact on reducing the health and socioeconomic burden due to injuries, particularly in LMICs. Yet, current progress is too slow. As highlighted in this volume and documented in the Global Status Report, implementation of the key public health measures is disappointingly low. Countries, particularly LMICs, need to do more."
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Volume citation: Mock, C.N., R. Nugent, O. Kobusingye, and K.R. Smith, editors. 2017. Injury Prevention and Environmental Health. Volume 7, Disease Control Priorities (third edition). Washington, DC: World Bank.
Global Mortality from Injuries
Source: WHO (World Health Organization). 2014. Global Health Estimates 2014. Geneva: WHO.